Service Information
Our Service caters for children aged 6 months to 5 years. We are open from 8.00am to 3.30pm Tuesday & Thursday, (40 weeks of the year) and closed on Qld public holidays. Notice will be given in our Newsletters when these days occur.
$40.00 per day for Limited Hours Care
$32.00 per day for Kindergarten Program
Service Closing Time and Late Fees
Please be aware the Program closes at 3.30pm. A late fee is incurred for children collected after 3.30pm. The fee is $15 per child for every 15 minutes or part thereof and will be added to your next account. The late fee is strictly adhered to, as two staff members are required to remain at the program until all children are collected. If we are unable to contact either the parent or a person nominated by the parent on the enrolment form to arrange collection of the child/children within an hour of the Service closing, then we will contact Department of Education and Communities and the Police to take responsibility of your child.
As our centre is a non-profit organisation, we rely heavily on fees for the extra expenses and resources that funding does not cover. Therefore, it is of utmost importance ALL fees are paid on time.
Fees are to be kept at least two (2) weeks in advance at all times in order to maintain your child’s place at Platypus Playcare. This is ensured by a one-off bond payment of two (2) weeks fees payable upon each child’s enrolment. Fees are then required to be paid for the week on or prior to the first day of the week of each child’s care.
Fees may be made via cheque payments, cash payments or direct entry bank deposits. All fees are to be paid for the next week by Friday morning and will be receipted before commencement of care the next Tuesday.
Both cash and cheque payments are to be placed into a payment envelope provided and the envelope must be clearly marked with your child’s name, the date of payment and the dates which the payment is for. The envelope is then to be placed into the fees box located on the top right side of the front counter at the entrance of the centre.
Direct entry bank deposits are to be deposited into the following account:
Account Name: Platypus Playcare
Bank: Commonwealth Bank Australia
Branch: Mackay
BSB: 06 4707
Account Number: 10607970
When depositing fees into the above bank account remember to add your child’s Surname as your reference. Once you have received your first statement, you will be issued with an account number. This account number is then to be used as your reference.
Cheque payments are to be made out to Platypus Playcare.
Absent days are charged at the Full Day Fee rate – no discounted rate applies.